Facilegis – Legal Forms and Templates

Form and contents of an application: The Notice of Motion

Notice of motion

The notice of motion must be addressed to –

  • the person/s against whom relief is claimed, and
  • any person/s whom it is necessary to give notice of the application, and
  • the registrar / clerk of the court.

In High Court matters the notice of motion must be in accordance with Form 2(a) of the First Schedule of the Uniform Rules, and in Magistrates’ Court matters it must be in accordance with Form 1A of Annexure 1 of the Magistrates’ Court Rules. True copies of the notice, and all annexures thereto must be served upon every party to whom notice thereof is to be given.

In a notice of motion the Applicant must-

  • appoint an address within 15 kilometres of the office of the registrar/clerk of the court, at which Applicant will accept notice and service of all documents in such proceedings;
  • state the Applicant’s postal, facsimile or electronic mail addresses where available; and
  • set forth a day, not less than five days after service thereof on the Respondent, on or before which such Respondent is required to notify the Applicant, in writing, whether Respondent intends to oppose such application, and must further state that if no such notification is given the application will be set down for hearing on a stated day, not being less than 10 days after service on the said Respondent of the said notice.

For more go to Notes on application (motion) proceedings