Notice of Motion – Short Form – High Court – Form 2 of the First Schedule of the Uniform Rules of Court – Uniform Rule 6(4)
Every ex parte application must be filed with the registrar and set down, before noon on the court day but one preceding the day upon which it is to be heard. If brought upon notice to the registrar, such notice must set forth the form of order sought, specify the affidavit filed in support thereof, request the registrar to place the matter on the roll for hearing, and be as near as may be in accordance with Form 2 of the First Schedule.
Any person having an interest which may be affected by a decision on an application being brought ex parte, may deliver notice of an application for leave to oppose, supported by an affidavit setting forth the nature of such interest and the ground upon which such person desires to be heard, whereupon the registrar must set such application down for hearing at the same time as the initial application.
At the hearing the court may grant or dismiss either of or both such applications as the case may require, or may adjourn the same upon such terms as to the filing of further affidavits by either applicant or otherwise as it deems fit.
To view the rule go to Department of Justice – Uniform Rules of Court
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