Facilegis – Legal Forms and Templates

Notice to produce discovery – Magistrates’ Court – Form 15 of Annexure 1 of the Magistrates’ Court Rules – Magistrates’ Court Rule 23(6)

Notice to produce discovery – Magistrates’ Court – Form 15 of Annexure 1 of the Magistrates’ Court Rules – Magistrates’ Court Rule 23(6)

Any party may at any time by notice similar to Form 15 of Annexure 1 require any party who has made discovery to make available for inspection any document or tape, electronic, digital or other form of recording disclosed in terms of Magistrates’ Court Rule 23(2) and (3).

Such notice shall require the party to whom notice is given to deliver to him or her within 5 days a notice similar to Form 15A of Annexure 1, stating a time within 5 days from the delivery of such latter notice when the document or tape, electronic, digital or other form of recording may be inspected at the office of his or her attorney or, if he or she is not represented by an attorney, at some convenient place mentioned in the notice, or in the case of bankers’ books or other books of account or books in constant use for the purposes of any trade, business or undertaking, at their usual place of custody.

A party receiving a notice similar to Form 15A of Annexure 1 shall be entitled at the time therein stated, and for a period of 5 days thereafter during normal business hours and on any one or more of such days, to inspect such document or tape, electronic, digital or other form of recording and to take copies or transcriptions thereof.

A party’s failure to produce any such document or tape, electronic, digital or other form of recording required for inspection shall preclude him or her from using it at the trial, save where the court on good cause shown allows otherwise.

Notice to produce discovery – Magistrates’ Court – Form 15 of Annexure 1 of the Magistrates’ Court Rules

To view the rule go to Department of Justice – Magistrates’ Court Rules

For more go to the South African Legal Information Institute (SAFLII)