Facilegis – Legal Forms and Templates

Joinder of parties – High Court – Uniform Rule of Court 10

Joinder of parties – High Court – Uniform Rule of Court 10

Any number of persons, each of whom has a claim ( whether jointly, jointly and severally, separately or in the alternative), may join as plaintiffs in one action against the same defendant or defendants against whom any one or more of such persons proposing to join as plaintiffs would, if he brought a separate action, be entitled to bring such action, provided that the right to relief of the persons proposing to join as plaintiffs depends upon the determination of substantially the same question of law or fact which, if separate actions were instituted, would arise on each action, and provided that there may be a joinder conditionally upon the claim of any other plaintiff failing.

A plaintiff may join several causes of action in the same action.

Several defendants may be sued in one action either jointly, jointly and severally, separately or in the alternative, whenever the question arising between them or any of them and the plaintiff or any of the plaintiffs depends upon the determination of substantially the same question of law or fact which, if such defendants were sued separately, would arise in each separate action.

Joinder of parties – High Court – Uniform Rule of Court 10

To view the rule go to Department of Justice – Uniform Rules of Court

For more go to the South African Legal Information Institute (SAFLII)