Absolution from the Instance – Magistrates’ Court – Magistrates’ Court Rule Rule 15(5) After hearing the evidence of the parties and the counsels’ arguments the court may either deliver judgment immediately (ex tempore) or reserve judgment and deliver it at a later date. The judgment is recorded and as long […]
3 posts
Absolution from the Instance – High Court – Uniform Rule of Court 31 After hearing the evidence of the parties and the counsels’ arguments the court may either deliver judgment immediately (ex tempore) or reserve judgment and deliver it at a later date. The judgment is recorded and as long […]
These tools consist of the Forms and Precedents on this website and will guide and assist you in drafting professional, relevant and high quality legal papers. Some examples include: Absolution from the Instance – High Court – Uniform Rule of Court 31 Appeal – Application for leave to appeal in […]