Summary judgment The plaintiff may, after the defendant has delivered a plea (in the High Court), or where the defendant has delivered notice of intention to defend (in the Magistrates’ Court), apply to court for summary judgment on each of such claims in the summons as is only- (a) […]
summary judgment
3 posts
Summary judgment – Magistrates’ Court – Magistrates’ Court Rule 14 Where the defendant has served notice of intention to defend, the plaintiff may apply to court for summary judgment on each of such claims in the summons as is only-– on a liquid document;– for a liquidated amount in money;– […]
Summary judgment – High Court – Uniform Rule of Court 32 The plaintiff may, after the defendant has delivered a plea, apply to court for summary judgment on each of such claims in the summons as is only-– on a liquid document;– for a liquidated amount in money;– for delivery […]